Tokyo Sustainable Finance Week 2024

We can create a sustainable future with the power of financeWe can create a sustainable future with the power of finance
Participate Seminar & Forum
During this Week, information will be intensively disseminated to financial institutions and a wide range of people interested in investment, in cooperation with events held by other organizations promoting sustainable finance. In particular, the Tokyo Sustainable Finance Forum will be held for financial institutions, and the Finance Seminar for All will be held for those interested in investment.

We will be conducting a series of five 'Personal Finance Seminars' between September 2024 and February 2025, targeted at individual participants. The seminars will offer a wide range of programs tailored to different levels and objectives.
Corporate Finance Seminar
General Business
Financial Institutions
Sustainable Finance for the Future
To promote initiatives aimed at revitalizing Tokyo as an international financial city, we will address key topics including finance, renewable energy, and sustainability management.
Tokyo-London Green Finance Seminar 2024
Tokyo–London Green Finance Seminar 2024
In recent years, "Green Finance" has garnered significant attention as a means of funding investments that contribute to solving environmental issues. This seminar will highlight the latest developments and initiatives in both Tokyo and London.
Tokyo Sustainable Finance Forum
Tokyo Sustainable Finance Forum
This forum is aimed towards stakeholders of domestic and international financial institutions, etc., and will address subjects pertaining to global trends and future outlook of sustainable finance.
Seminar on Promoting Sustainability Management for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
Seminar on Promoting Sustainability Management for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
This seminar is aimed towards stakeholders of domestic small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), etc. It will showcase practical examples of sustainable finance initiatives and provide information on support available from government and private sectors.
*This seminar is presented only in Japanese.
SMBC Sustainability Forum
SMBC Sustainability Forum
As climate change becomes a critical global issue, this seminar will focus on the theme of "Decarbonization × Open Innovation." We will share support measures for collaboration between major corporations and startups, case studies of business co-creation, and global insights, with a special emphasis on the financial sector's role in fostering these initiatives.
*For stakeholders only
Personal Finance Seminars
Beginners Intermediate
50s and 60s
Learn How to Grow Your Money in a Way That Suits You!
From young generations looking to start investing to retirees planning their second careers
Financial Seminar for Young Adults
Label: For Beginners
Banner:Introduction to Investing
Key Points:
  • What exactly is the new NISA?
  • Isn't opening an account difficult?
  • Which product should I choose first?
*This seminar is presented only in Japanese.
Speech Bubble: I need to prepare for the future.
  • Let's try stock investment!
  • How do I choose which stocks to buy?
  • Do you know how to read news for investment?
*This seminar is presented only in Japanese.
Speech Bubble: Can investment skills help in job hunting?
  • What Makes a "Good Company"?
  • Develop the Ability to Identify Growing Companies!
  • What Are the Five Basic Points for Evaluating a Company?
*This seminar is presented only in Japanese.
Speech Bubble: I want to learn about money!
  • Isn't it too early to think about money?
  • How much money will I need in the future?
  • Isn't investing something for adults?
*This seminar is presented only in Japanese.
Financial Seminar for Individuals in
Their 50s and 60s
Financial Seminar for Individuals in
Their 50s and 60s
  • How much money will I need after retirement?
  • What will happen to my pension and living expenses?
  • What is post-retirement asset formation?
*This seminar is presented only in Japanese.
2024 opening remarks
Toward a Future Pioneered with Sustainable Finance
一般社団法人東京国際金融機構(FinCity.Tokyo)会長 中曽 宏
The Organization of Global Financial City Tokyo (FinCity.Tokyo) is Japan’s first financial promotion body, which aims to make Tokyo a more attractive financial market and become one of the world’s top international financial cities. Since its launch, the organization has carried out promotional activities in major financial cities around the world, such as London and New York, while engaging in work on widely disseminating information and conducting exchange events through public-private cooperation in order to revitalize the domestic financial ecosystem.

For Tokyo to continue growing sustainably, it is important to solve social issues through finance to carve out a future. For this purpose, it is essential for both financial institutions and individuals to deepen their understanding of sustainable finance.

At Tokyo Sustainable Finance Week, we will offer forums for financial institutions from both Japan and overseas, as well as a seminar specifically for small and medium-sized enterprises. Additionally, we will hold a series of five financial seminars aimed at the general public to help them better understand sustainable finance.

At the forums for financial institutions, leading experts in the field of sustainable finance will provide a wide range of up-to-date information. In the seminar for small and medium-sized enterprises, we will offer practical information to support the implementation of sustainability management.The seminars for the public will help participants deepen their understanding of sustainable finance that can be practiced by individuals. We plan to offer programs that will assist more people and institutions in making progress and finding insights in their lives and work. A free seminar, available both in-person and remotely, will be held, and we encourage you to join us.
Hiroshi Nakaso
Chairman, Organization of Global Financial City Tokyo (FinCity.Tokyo)
Supporting Organizations
PRI金融庁金融経済教育推進機構(J-FLEC)The Alternative Investment ManagementAssociation (AIMA)一般社団法人 全国銀行協会一般社団法人 投資信託協会NPO法人日本FP協会一般社団法人 日本CFA 協会一般社団法人日本投資顧問業協会株式会社日本取引所グループ公益社団法人 日本証券アナリスト協会日本証券業協会The Alternative Investment ManagementAssociation (AIMA)
Co-host & Support
Japan Exchange Group, Inc./Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc.
※Co-host Applies Only to the Personal Finance Seminars